Have you ever been told to get a more sensible career?

If so, Foolish Careers is for you. It’s an interview series with writers, artists and creative entrepreneurs in Asia who ignored that advice and decided to pursue creative careers instead.

You might be thinking… Oh no, yet more advice to “follow my bliss” 🙄

I’m tired of those tepid listicles too. Those fluff pieces that tell us to “follow our heart” and “find our passion” but don’t explain how to start, how to build, and how to make money that transforms our work into a sustainable, thriving, and rewarding professional life.

Foolish Careers is a response to all that. We unearth specific, actionable tactics from professional storytellers who have figured out how to build successful careers in Asia, so the rest of us can apply them to our own endeavors.

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Here’s a sample of who we’ve featured so far:

Budjette Tan, co-creator of the graphic novel Trese and creative director at The LEGO Agency: Persistence, collaboration, selling Trese to Netflix, and tactics for finding creative pockets of time

Kristine Fonacier, Esquire’s first female editor-in-chief: How swapping rock-and-roll journalism for volunteer work led to a more substantive writing career

Rachel Elman O’Shea, chef and co-founder of Laos Buffalo Dairy: What building from scratch really looks like, and what it will take to keep going post-COVID

Felix Ng, founder of award-winning creative lab Anonymous: What it really took to scale Design Film Fest, and why small is the future of design studios

What readers are saying:

“I love how this is decidedly against ‘follow your bliss’ because I absolutely hate that”

“I’m taking notes”

“You had me at fool”

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If this resonates, join us! We look forward to meeting you.

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Asia’s creative projects and places as told by the people who brought them to life


Covering the business of creativity in Asia